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歡迎來到Story Meets Story! Story Meets Story是一個專注於翻譯兒童故事的部落格,本網站的中文故事為大同大學應用外語系學生在繪本編譯課程中的翻譯作品。這些精采的故事原著來自一群在愛爾蘭都柏林兒童藝文中心 Fighting Words 裡的小朋友們所創作。我們希望可以透過文字 、圖像和聲音刺激文學與藝術上的跨文化交流,並且在此邀請更多喜歡故事的你一起細細欣賞兒童的創造力與想像力。





  關於 Fighting Words 

Fighting Words 位於愛爾蘭首都都柏林,是一個致力於幫助兒童、青少年與成年發覺想像力和培養創意寫作能力的兒童藝文機構。許多小作家的故事創作經常刊登至The Irish Times,甚至改寫成舞台劇於都柏林國家劇院演出。想要了解更多有關Fighting Words​的最新活動,不妨到他們的官網社群逛逛吧! 



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Who We Are

Hello! Welcome to Story Meets Story! Story Meets Story is a blog concentrated on translating tales written by child authors. Here we showcase the Chinese narratives translated by the undergrads in the Picturebook Translation and Editing course offered by the Applied Foreign Languages Department (AFL) Tatung University (TTU). These magical stories are originally woven in English by the pupils at Fighting Words Ireland. To stimulate cross-cultural collaboration on literature and art through text/images/sound, we invite you to immerse yourselves deeply within a child's mind to explore their creativity and imagination with us through our website! 

What We do

Inspired by children's creative work during translation, the undergrads take it one step further to write sequels and design a new portrait for the main character in each story. We will also create and upload the audio tales in Chinese to preserve and celebrate the art of storytelling on our blog. So stay tuned and enjoy our stories in a multi-sensory way!

About Picturebook Translation and Editing 

Picturebook Translation and Editing is an 18-week elective course offered by the AFL Department at TTU to fourth-year students. The goals of this course are to help students deepen their familiarity with a range of picturebooks, explore in children's literature and culture, equip with strategies and skills in translating iconotext, and develop creative thinking practices. 

About Fighting Words 

Fighting Words, situated in the heart of Dublin city center, aims to help children, young people, and adults who did not have the opportunity as children to discover and harness the power of their own imaginations and creative writing skills. Fighting Words celebrates its participants' creativity and achievement. Some of the stories written by the young authors at Fighting Words have been published in The Irish Times, and some have even been adapted into live performances at the Abbey Theatre.

All the stories and images on this blog are for educational and informational purposes only. If you would like to use, share, or transmit any contents from our website, please kindly let us know in advance. 

*Fighting Words publishes work from each participant or group of participants to celebrate their creativity and achievement. Copyright of the work created at Fighting Words rests with the authors, with permission granted to Fighting Words and its partners to feature the creative work in any of their publications, promotional material and websites.

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