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The Full Moon Horror

7th December 2021

Written by Niall (Age 10, Co. Tyrone)

Translated by 龐啟真  張仁奎  王翔岳  李長軒  游政諺

Illustrated by 何驊臻  莊皓婷  錢欣伶  楊鎧憶  郭芷妤

陽光明媚的夏日,兩位朋友佛雷德狸和查栗鼠從學校走路回家。 佛雷德狸非常酷,從不失去理智,但又不像查理有點書呆子的感覺。



我有沒有提到佛雷德狸喜歡披薩? 沒錯,牠就喜歡披薩。


 “嘿!” 查理尖叫著。  “你把我的數學課本弄髒了!”

 “你怎麼會有那個東西?” 那個叫哈利河馬的大惡霸說。




 “好吧,男孩和女孩們,我們去打敗這些笨蛋!” 哈利河馬喊道。

可還沒等他們動手,身後的人就喊道:“找個和你體型一樣大的,笨蛋!” 他們向身後看去,看到洛基浣熊和丹尼狗站在那裡大罵,牠們是查理鼠和佛雷德狸的朋友。

 與佛雷德狸不同,洛基浣熊從來沒有真正保持冷靜過。 牠雖然是一個打架高手,但有點過於衝動。丹尼狗也有點狂野,而且喜歡漢堡。

“好極了。” 查理鼠說道。  “洛基浣熊和丹尼狗是來救我們的!” 

“不對哦!” 洛基浣熊說:“我是來救佛雷德狸的。”




“哈利河馬,現在滾回你家然後趕快睡覺,因為我聽說今晚可怕的滿月怪獸要出來了 ”洛基浣熊說。


“我們不相信你,”哈利河馬說,  “為了證明你是錯的,我們今晚要去露營!”


“你這個膽小鬼!” 哈利河馬尖叫道。  “你很快就會明白我是對的!!!”

嗯,牠說得都是真的嗎?不。 當查理鼠、佛雷德狸、洛基浣熊和丹尼狗在跟我們玩的時候,哈利河馬正試圖與飢餓的狼人纏鬥!

“我們要不要幫他?” 羅賓鳥問道。


“好吧,我覺得可以去幫助他,”羅賓鳥說。 然後紅羅賓去幫助牠的朋友,牠也(像哈利河馬一樣)犯了一個大錯誤!


“救救我!” 羅賓鳥喊道。

​(Original Text)

One sunny summer’s day, two friends called Fred Fox and Charlie Chipmunk were walking home from school. Fred was a really cool guy who never went crazy, unlike Charlie who was a bit of a nerd.


Charlie was telling Fred all the wonders of a maths book, while Fred was pretending to listen but was really thinking about the pizza he was getting that night. Did I mention he loved pizza? Well, he does.


Anyway, Charlie was just “telling” Fred about a part that no one could understand when just then three bullies came out of nowhere and pushed them to the road!


“Hey!” screamed Charlie. “You got my maths book all dusty!”

“Why do you have that thing anyway?” said the really big bully who was called Harry Hippo. “School’s done for the year! You should be hanging out like me, a normal animal!”

“And me,” said the second bully who was called Robby Robin (and was not the brightest spark).

“And me,” said Roscoe Rabbit (who was smarter than Robby).

“Okay, boy (and girl), let’s go and beat these chumps up!” shouted Harry.


But before they could do anything, someone behind them shouted, “Pick on someone your own size, chump!” They looked behind them to see two friends of Charlie and Fred standing there, Rocky Raccoon and Danny Dog.


Unlike Fred, Rocky never really kept his cool. He was a bit aggressive, though quite a good fighter! Danny Dog was a bit wild and loved burgers.


“Yay,” said Charlie. “Rocky and Fred are here to save us!”

“Well not really,” said Rocky, “Though I am here to save Fred.”

“WHY!!??!!” asked Charlie.

“Because Fred is cool,” answered Rocky.

“Yeah, man,” said Fred.

“Now, go away to your house and go to sleep cause I hear the FULL MOON HORROR is going to be out tonight,” said Rocky.

“And I hear that he is extra hungry tonight,” added Danny.

“We do not believe you,” said Harry, “and to prove it we are going to camp out tonight and you will be proven wrong!”

“Well, we are not coming,” said Roscoe.

“Yeah, man,” said Robby.

“COWARDS!” screamed Harry. “You will soon see I am right! You all will!!”

Well, was he right? Nope. While Charlie, Fred, Rocky and Danny were playing Among Us, Harry was trying to survive the werewolf who was hot on his trail!


“Should we help him?” asked Robby.

“Probably not,” said Roscoe, while watching Harry getting his arm chewed on by the furry beast.

“Well, I might all well go help him,” said Robby. Then the Red Robin went to help his friend, also (like Harry) he made a big mistake!

“Boys,” said Roscoe (who was being a bit sassy).

“Help!” shouted Robby.

© 2021 by Story Meets Story

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