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Dianna’s Great Revenge

22nd September 2022

Written by St. Fiachra's Senior National School ,6th Class

Translated by 王柏燁  曾子芊  楊詠鈞  劉謙

Illustrated by 施佳璇  張仕泓 陳惠如 徐立欣 王瑋











小德里克現在已經 10 歲了,他已經把這些事情都忘得一乾二凈。




(Original Text)

Dianna had toy blocks when she was a child. They were her favorite toy.


Derrick the baby stole them off her, so Dianna went after Derrick to get the blocks back off him.


But the blocks had a power that stopped her from getting them.


The power was caused by Derrick’s mother, Mary.  One day the baby had been crying in the back of the carriage with Mary.


She gave him a drink to try to calm him, but the drink was meant to never be drank unless they were in grave danger.


Now, whenever someone tried to attack Derrick a purple bubble would blast them away.


Derrick was now 10 years old and couldn’t remember any of this. But Dianna could.


Now she was trying to recreate the potion so that she could get her revenge against Derrick the Baby...

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