The Heroic Cats
7th December 2021

野獸被關進了牢籠 ,貓咪們及森林裡的所有動物從此不會再受到野獸的傷害,並過著幸福快樂的日子。
Written by Aisling (Age 10, Co. Cork)
Translated by 丁怡甄 鄭語瑄 林悅萱 沈子婷 詹子熙
Illustrated by 白宛玲 石佳儀 沈畇榕 楊喬恩 黃翊婷
(Original Text)
Milo, Sylvie Nutty, Peaches, George and Kittycat are fierce cats. They live in a dark forest. Nutty, Milo and Sylvie own half of the forest and Kittycat, George and Peaches own the other half.
One day, the two sides of the forest met each other and there was a full-scale cat war over territory! The cats started fighting on a tree. The tree was black with fighting cats. Suddenly without warning, the weirdest creature came out of the trees. It had feet like a cat, wings like an eagle and a head like a bear and it was gigantic! The beast roared and the cats froze in terror. The beast suddenly started to speak in a loud growling voice.
The cats were terrified. The beast saw the cats on his tree and went red with anger. He chased them off the tree and then chased them all around the forest. The cats found a safe spot in the trees, but they knew the beast would find them soon. They decided to dig a big hole and put a net over it and cover it with leaves, so that when the beast came it would fall into the trap and get stuck in the net.
When they were finished, they started shouting as loud as they could. “COME CATCH US, YOU LITTLE LIZARD!”
Suddenly, the cats heard crashing from behind them. They turned around fearfully and saw that the beast was behind them. The beast stepped forward and suddenly he fell into the trap they made. The cats jumped up and down with joy. They caught hold of the net and dragged it to the closest prison.
The beast was thrown into a prison cell and the cats and all the animals in the forest were safe from the beast for the rest of their lives.