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Illustrated White Cats

Listen to the Tales  


Some of the stories were selected to be recorded in both Mandarin Chinese and English. 

Click below to listen to them all! 

I must find Freddy the Teddy

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(In a French accent)

 Dear Reader,


Once upon a time on the seventh of January, a fire broke out in a beautiful house and only I survived.......more

 動畫師 Animators

羅智姮 程麗君 劉映彤 邱詩芹

The Deep, Dark Story of the Haunted Teddy Bear

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It was a normal day in the SuperShop because there were not that many customers.Then a mysterious man walked up to Christopher the Table. He brought Christopher the Table home, where he met John the Chair.......more

 動畫師 Animators

林燦羽 洪子集  戴進豪 游雅婷  羅方妘

The Big Explosion

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One morning, Queen Hannah sent her secret notebook to King Axe explaining that a Giant Robot was nearly destroying her castle. Queen Hannah hoped that the Giant Robot would destroy himself before he entered the castle.......more

 動畫師 Animators

江心誼   吳寀綸  郭沛柔  羅于晴  王亭汶

Andy’s Great Betrayal

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Andy Fake said with calm quotations to the nice rock: “How was your week?” He was sitting on a bench in the park with a rock in his hand.He looked up and saw the orange Bugat-mobile. So he dropped Fallon the Rock and ran over to the Bugat-mobile


 動畫師 Animators

施佳璇  張仕泓  陳惠如  徐立欣  王瑋

Red Bull Gives You Wings

小馬蹄歷險記 Red Bull Gives You Wings


Once upon a time there was a horse called Horseshoe who was exploring a chocolate factory. He met a blue bull called Jim when he entered one of the testing rooms....more

 動畫師 Animators

 趙有筌  沈融  鄭詠睿 章庭嘉

Max and Jimmy vs the Humans



Max the Dragon was at home in his volcano. The volcano was very loud and very hot to touch.....more

 動畫師 Animators

張瑜芬  趙子瑄  蘇郁晴  游語誠  吳昱謙

The Hot Stone Age


Micro Wayne lives in a cold, dark, damp, smelly town called Microville. He hates it there....more


 動畫師 Animators

陳玠甫  陳俊文  蔡柏宇  王仁澤

Dianna’s Great Revenge


Dianna had toy blocks when she was a child. They were her favorite toy. Derrick the baby stole them off her, so Dianna went after Derrick to get the blocks back off him...more


 動畫師 Animators

 王柏燁  曾子芊  楊詠鈞  劉謙


On a Moon Beam 

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Once there was a mythical creature named Ned, who was part red panda and part unicorn. She lived in the land of Loopy, where blue waterfalls gushed and birds cheeped...more

 動畫師 Animators

 白宛玲  石佳儀  沈畇榕  楊喬恩  黃翊婷

The Lonely Leopard

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Once upon a time, there was a leopard and he did not have any friends. The main reason was because he was too grumpy, but he found himself very sad...more

 動畫師 Animators

 何驊臻  莊皓婷  錢欣伶  楊鎧憶  郭芷妤

Mally the Monkey

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動畫師 Animators

洪汶卉  閻昭茵  吳汶錡  王俞文  郭芳岑


“Mally!” called Head Bear. “What are you doing? Get back to riding the elephants. It’s nearly Circus Day. I hope that you are all ready.”...more

The Lucky Snake

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動畫師 Animators

許晉維  何亭君  陳冠橞  孫筠婷  夏培藝


A snake slithered through the forest. He looked at the hill, just to notice something from the corner of his eye. A BOULDER. COMING RIGHT DOWN THE HILL, ABOUT TO HIT HIM...more


The Fruit Chase of Jen and His Friends

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動畫師 Animators

丁怡甄  鄭語瑄  林悅萱  沈子婷  詹子熙


Once upon a time there lived a little monkey called Jen. He lived with his mum and little brother. Jen loved to play with his friends from the jungle. They had a lot of adventures... more

Aquatus and the Dark Sorcerer

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動畫師 Animators

龐啟真  張仁奎  王翔岳  李長軒  游政諺


Long ago, the River Aurania was a peaceful place. Aquatus the water centaur watched over all the creatures that lived in the river. Aquatus was brave, strong and magical.... more


Chameleon Capers

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動畫師 Animators

王佳瑜  彭文欣  林佑宣  張清宜  吳芮蕎


Mango is a chameleon with large bulging eyes. Every day, he magically wakes up in a different city or even a different country!  One day he woke up in Portugal... more

The Three Superheroes 

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動畫師 Animators

錢冠妤  郭語潔  鄭安庭  楊硯婷  林渝臻



A long time ago, there was a magic lion who had ‘fire’ powers but no one knew about these magical powers.  He lived under a tree, but he was never lonely. ... more

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